Sunday, January 05, 2014

Kitty Spam

This is what most of my mornings used to look like. Cuddling and snugging with my two red heads.  Emma is the best buddy ever and is super loving but she is still a pup and I always feel like she needs a buddy. I have hinted on an occasion or two to Dylan that she could use a "friend."
Some friends of ours found a stray kitten in their backyard and I became a little attached. I texted Dylan with a few kitten pictures (while he was out hunting haha) and we decided to "foster" the kitten for the weekend to see how it went and most of all how Emma and the kitten responded to each other. 

Dylan kinda fell in love as well. He said he was "doomed from the start." haha Everytime the kitten would do something cute he would say I was "evil" for this. I am pretty sure all three of us were smitten could never say no. So she became ours and we named her Scout!


Scout enjoys cuddling with Emma and chasing her Darth Vader toy around, sleeping on shoulders or curling up on our chest in the middle of the night.  She is extremely adventurous and a little ornery but we are so happy about how sweetly she rounds out our little family.


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