Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Summer Travels - Asheville, North Carolina

Sometimes I see a spot that I think might make a neat background for a picture and I make Dylan pose for me. I'm thankful he humors me from time to time.  He also likes to turn the camera on me. We have fun together. I like him... a lot.

I have been on the hunt for a tin this size for quite awhile, looking at so many thrift stores and antique malls. Emma's dog food is currently stored in a plastic container and I wanted something a little more aesthetically pleasing for her food since my space is small and I don't really have the luxury of  a whole lot of closet space or any space at all)  to hide things away. I had literally mentioned it to Dylan while walking through an antique mall in Asheville, North Carolina and about a minute later he found me this one! I was tickled pink! It is perfect!

What a hunk! Can't believe I'm marrying him in a month! Holy Moly!
Dream Boat!


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