Sunday, March 17, 2013

Friday Date Days: The Palace

Friday date days are the best days. The Best!!

Went down to the farm to spend a little time with Dylan's family and visited the aunties while they were making maple syrup. That was interesting. They have taps on several maple trees around the property and collect the sap to boil it down during this time of the year. It takes about 40 gallons of sap to make just one gallon of maple syrup. This will forever change my view on the price of maple syrup. I never knew the full process and how much goes into it. 

Friday morning we headed to a local greasy spoon diner that Dylan has gone to since he was a kid. Its an old ice cream shop called the Palace where all the farmers go for breakfast and coffee. He has been dying to take me there for awhile. We had attempted a time of two but it finally panned out this time. The food was great and super filling. We were both stuffed.

What a handsome guy.

We hit up 3 thrift stores before we headed back to the city and found some sweet finds. I'm preparing to open my vintage shop again with some really sweet dresses. I am having a hard time convincing myself I don't need some of them. It is a battle. 



  1. I love that top picture of you two! Its so great!

    1. ha Thanks Emily! Loving your new blog posts!



